Today’s topic is How To Put A Grill Out. Obviously, you can find a great deal of how to put a bbq out-related content online. The proliferation of online platforms has streamlined our access to information.
There is a connection between the how to put a gas grill fire out and How To Put Out Charcoal Grill information. additional searching needs to be done for How To Put Out A Charcoal Grill, which will also be related to How To Put Out Charcoal Grill Fire.
91 Things About How To Put A Grill Out | how to put a bbq out
- You may think this is simple, but it is not nearly as simple as you think. You are probably used to just dumping the charcoal on the grill, but this is not going to give you the best results. In general, you need to arrange the charcoal from large to small. That way, you can get the best results. - Source: Internet
- This one is much easier than putting out a charcoal grill, but still just as necessary to do correctly. When you’re done cooking your food, keep the grill on with the lid open, and set a 5 minute timer. When the timer goes off, it’s time to clean your grill grate. Metal tongs and a ball of aluminum foil work perfectly fine. - Source: Internet
- Not all grills have a lid, but most professional grills do, from the famous green egg to portable charcoal grills and, of course, smokers. Most grills have a cover, and it helps cook food evenly. The problem with grills with lids is that if you close the lid too early, before the charcoal burns evenly, then the charcoal might lose temperature and extinguish. - Source: Internet
- ‘For Kamado grills or ceramic BBQs, you could shock the ceramic so it is not advised, with a metal BBQ if left wet it will increase the chances of rusting, so then you’ll need to know how to remove rust from grills. And worst of all – you’re left with a really horrible mess to clean up.’ - Source: Internet
- However, you will need a lot of time and patience to do it properly. We’ve described three different methods to put out your grill, along with the pros and cons of each method. But before that, let’s discuss why it’s so important — How to Put Out a Grill Fire . - Source: Internet
- Once you’re done with that process, scoop out the ash and put it in some aluminum foil. Wrap it carefully and dispose of it in a metal bin. Then, clean out your grill with a wire brush as described in method 1, steps #3 and #4. - Source: Internet
- Grilling is a fantastic past-time, and the more you grill, the better you’re at it. Still, even the most seasoned grill masters find themselves in a bit of trouble sometimes, like when the charcoal just won’t stay lit. Has this happened to you? Talking about ways of ruining a backyard party, right? - Source: Internet
- If you put wet charcoal on the grill, it is going to produce a tremendous amount of smoke. If your charcoal is wet enough, it may not light at all. Therefore, you need to make sure your charcoal is dry. If you believe your charcoal is too wet, then you may want to put it in a sunny area to dry. It takes a long time for charcoal to dry, so you may be better off purchasing different charcoal. - Source: Internet
- If you open up the vents, you can maintain a steady flow of air throughout the grill. When the air flows easily, you provide plenty of oxygen to the flame. That way, you have plenty of power to keep the flame hot as you cook your food on the grill. - Source: Internet
- Clean out the leftover ash with your metallic grill spatula. If you don’t have one, a trowel can work. Then use a towel to wipe off any leftovers. While doing this, pay special attention to the vents. They can accumulate a lot of dirt from blowing ash and need to be clean, so they can let in enough oxygen to feed your fire. - Source: Internet
- That doesn’t mean water can’t play a role in putting out a charcoal grill. One way that some people use water is to remove pieces of charcoal and dunk them into a bucket of water. This will still produce some steam but not anywhere near the levels of pouring that same bucket of water into the bottom of the grill. - Source: Internet
- Get prepared for putting out your grill by slipping on those heatproof BBQ gloves. Make sure that other people are standing a ways off. Now, remove the grill rack, close the vents, and then cover the grill slowly. This starves the fire of oxygen, allowing it to burn itself out. - Source: Internet
- In general, you need to make sure you use dry charcoal. You need to stack the briquettes appropriately, and you should use dampers. If your grill is too dirty, you will have a difficult time keeping your grill lit. Of course, you also need to think about the weather. - Source: Internet
- The best way to put out a charcoal grill at a park is to treat it as a campfire. That means spreading out the ash and coals, dousing it with water, then stirring it and repeating until it’s cold. Then as an act of kindness to the next people, scrape out as much of the ashy mud mess as possible. - Source: Internet
- There is a chance that you are having a difficult time keeping the fire going because the vents are not open. You may think that closing the vents is a great way to trap the heat in the grill. In reality, you are simply going to suffocate the flame. Therefore, you need to open the vents to allow air to circulate accordingly. - Source: Internet
- Your first instinct might be to pour water on your coals in the charcoal grill. While this technically works, it also can be a safety hazard to both you and your grill. Water hitting hot charcoal can turn to steam which could give you a burn. It can even send hot ash into the air. Do not do this! - Source: Internet
- Pouring water on burning charcoal can also cause a huge mess. All that ash will turn into basically mud in the bottom of the grill. Any excess moisture left over could also cause rust problems to develop. No one wants the bottom of their charcoal grill to rust out. - Source: Internet
- Removing all of the ashes from the grill’s base is essential for clearing up a charcoal grill fire. You can use a brush and a shovel to do this. Ensure to sweep out any ash that could have gathered into the lid or the sides of the grill. - Source: Internet
- If you have trouble keeping your grill going, you might be working with the wrong type of charcoal. Splurge a little; it’s worth it. After all, the grill’s temperature matters, and so does the temperature it produces. - Source: Internet
- Provided you brought the right kind of charcoal, and it is dry and in good condition, keeping charcoal lit is easy. That’s your answer to why won’t my charcoal grill stay lit. Now, the next pressing question, how to keep fire going in the grill? - Source: Internet
- This might sound obvious, but it really isn’t. When you get a bag of briquettes at the store, you somehow assume the charcoal is nice and dry, and it often is. But, if you have some stored in your backyard, it might be too moist to work. - Source: Internet
- Another way to use water is to spritz the charcoal to accelerate the cooling process. Now this means you don’t have to remove the charcoal without the risk of a lot of steam at once. However, you’re trying to spray water around the inside of your grill. The potential for a mess is still there. Again, you can do it, but we do not recommend this method. - Source: Internet
- A potential downfall is that you’ll be reaching into a hot grill and handling burning charcoal. If you pursue this method, make sure that your bucket of water is right next to your grill. Also, use good grill gloves that will keep your hands protected from the heat. - Source: Internet
- The appearance of flames on the grill is common due to the melting of fat and liquids on hot surfaces. According to research, there are more than 10.000 home fires caused by grills every year. July is the pick month, followed by June, May, and August. [1] - Source: Internet
- In short, not really. I’ve seen some people suggesting simply spraying or pouring water on to the coals to cool them down faster, but this is just too risky as the sudden temperature imbalance will risk cracking your BBQ chamber and any porcelain inside the grill (e.g. a lot of BBQ grates are porcelain coated). - Source: Internet
- To do this, prepare a large container of water. Remove the charcoal from the grill and submerge each piece in water to ensure that it’s fully extinguished. Allow each charcoal to rest submerged in the water for 30 to 60 seconds before removing, and transferring to a non-flammable surface to allow it to dry. - Source: Internet
- It’s important to put your charcoal bbq grill out at the earliest opportunity once you’ve finished using your grill. It helps save fuel considerably, while also helping prevent any risk of it flaring up and burning anything near it. Especially if you have pets or children nearby. - Source: Internet
- Yes, charcoal grills can be a pain sometimes, and it might be hard to assess what’s going wrong. Charcoal is supposed to be a fool-proof fuel, but let’s just say it has its bad days. If you’re having trouble keeping your grill lit, here’s all you need to know about what’s probably causing the problem, how to prevent it and even fix it! - Source: Internet
- Think prevention – Leftover grease is the leading cause of grill fires – be sure to clean your grills before each use. Keep at least three feet of space around your grill, and place it several feet away from anything flammable – including your wooden deck (place it on a concrete slab instead). Never leave a grill unattended, especially with children and pets around. - Source: Internet
- Now at the end of the article, I hope you know the reasons for causing the grill fire. And I hope you will keep the reasons in mind. Moreover, you have learned about how to put out a grill fire. - Source: Internet
- If you do not use enough charcoal, your fire is going to go out quickly. Therefore, be generous when you are putting your charcoal briquettes on the grill. Take a look at the instructions on the package, and figure out exactly how much charcoal you need for a certain amount of time. That way, you know you have enough charcoal to keep the party going. - Source: Internet
- Use a metallic grill spatula or a trowel to sweep off the remaining ash from the grill. This should be followed by a thorough clean-up of the chamber. Pay careful attention to the vents since that is where some ashes are likely to enter, potentially creating an obstruction for your next grill-off. - Source: Internet
- You’ll leave the grill covered for at least the next 48 hours. Coals take a long time to cool down, and they aren’t always burning clearly. Giving them enough time to burn down is crucial for safety. - Source: Internet
- Dry coal, ventilation, adequate spacing and patience. That’s the secret formula right there. And remember, we all have different grills and live in different places — what works for you might not work for a fellow grill-enthusiast. Still, we’ve got to start somewhere, right? After all, we’re all a big meat-loving family. - Source: Internet
- When you’re dealing with hot coals safety is always a concern. If the grill gets knocked over, you’ll have hot coals scattered across your deck or lawn. Since the heat from the charcoal and grill will remain after the cook, it is also a hazard if you’re in a family environment with young children or pets. - Source: Internet
- Learning how to put out a charcoal grill isn’t hard, but it is dangerous. Remember to keep a fire extinguisher nearby while you’re cleaning and be extremely careful when handling hot charcoal. The key to successfully putting out a charcoal grill lies in patience and caution. Your reward for all this hard work is a beautifully clean grill whenever you’re ready to barbecue and a long-lasting grill. - Source: Internet
- These are a few of the most important tips you need to follow if you want to maintain a healthy flame on the charcoal grill. If you are having a difficult time keeping your flame lit, you may want to put a few of these tips to work for you. Then, see if it helps you keep the fire going. - Source: Internet
- Regardless of the reason why you are having a difficult time keeping your grill lit, you need to prepare accordingly. We have done a significant amount of research to figure out the most common reasons why charcoal grills might not stay lit. Take a look at what we have found below, and see if you can keep the flame going on your grill! Are you ready to learn more? If so, let’s get started. - Source: Internet
- Even though this one might seem obvious, it is important to specify things that might be overlooked. If you are trying to grill in the middle of a thunderstorm, you are going to have a difficult time. Water and fire do not mix. If there is a torrential downpour outside, you are going to have a difficult time maintaining a strong flame. - Source: Internet
- We’ve all seen those large metal grills at the local park. Who knows when the last time those grill grates were properly cleaned? Still, they’re better than not grilling at all (most times, anyways.) If you’ve lit a charcoal fire in one of these, you’ll want to know how to put it out properly because you don’t have 48 hours to sit around and wait. - Source: Internet
- Many places worldwide often have humidity levels as high as 70%, and that doesn’t help — especially when trying to light a fire. Humidity is in the air, and it dampens everything, including your wood and charcoal. Of course, this will not only make lighting up the grill harder, but it might also cause your charcoal to cool off and die; your charcoal is not hot enough. - Source: Internet
- So you put out a charcoal grill by closing the lid and all vents and dampers to snuff the charcoal out. The drawback is that it will take time for the coals to extinguish fully. I have found that over time the bottom vents on a Weber Kettle lose their strong seal and the time to extinguish the coals takes longer. - Source: Internet
- Is the charcoal not hot enough? Although some things you can control, there are many others you can’t. You might have nice, dry charcoal, a perfectly clean grill, and the correct technique. If the weather is not on your side, sometimes there’s little you can do! How to keep fire going in the grill? Sometimes you can’t! - Source: Internet
- If you have a fire and it’s safe to do so, Turn off the grill’s burners. Remove the food and smother the flames by throwing baking soda, sand or kosher salt over it. NEVER use water to extinguish a grease fire or flare up. Close the lid and any grill vents to further starve the fire of oxygen. - Source: Internet
- Many people think that grilling meat and vegetables are the challenging part of making a grilled meal. Likewise, many grilling enthusiasts announce that lighting or starting a charcoal grill is the more difficult one. But it’s not the end of your grilling game. Because you still need to cool down those lit coals. - Source: Internet
- You might even be thinking about putting a tarp over your grill, allowing you to grill without having water pouring on your flame. This is not a good idea. You never want to trap the smoke coming from the grill underneath a tarp. This is going to be dangerous for you, and it will be a difficult task to make delicious food. - Source: Internet
- Check if it has some visible damages and if it is appropriately connected to a source of the fire. Then look at the grill grates. They need to be perfectly clean and hot before placing the meat, vegetables, or bread on the pan. - Source: Internet
- The charcoal will continue to burn till it’s extinguished if it’s not put out, which can take days. Walking away from the aftercare for your charcoal grill can lead to some terrible consequences. Here are a couple of instances: - Source: Internet
- There are hundreds of thousands of articles that teach you how to extinguish charcoal grill. But you only need a couple of methods to guide you through damping the fires of a charcoal grill in any situation. We’ve outlined these methods carefully. By the time you’re done reading this, there shouldn’t be a charcoal grill that you can’t turn off. - Source: Internet
- Clean the grill before and after using it. And if you’re not using it for extended periods, clean it every month. Make sure there’s no water in the grill, or it will ruin it. Also eliminate all traces of ashes. They retain moisture. - Source: Internet
- Remove the rack from your grill and slowly close the lid. If your grill has vents then make sure that they are also closed. This ensures that all avenues of oxygen to get into the chamber are covered, preventing any additional airflow to fuel the fire. - Source: Internet
- the grill, it can catch fire. So, the recommended distance between outdoor grills and any structure is at least 10 feet. A fire accident can happen if you put too many flammable objects beside the grill. - Source: Internet
- There are few things that taste better than food grilled over burning charcoal, but you need to know how to put out a charcoal grill once you’re done cooking. While you want to go and enjoy that grilled food, the last thing you want is to worry about extinguishing that charcoal that just cooked your meal. In most circumstances you’ll have a lot of time to wait for the coals to extinguish, but sometimes you need to put them out quickly. - Source: Internet
- Regardless of what type of flame you’re working with, putting out a grill takes time and patience. Before you break out the coals or turn on the gas, you’ll want to plan your cooking from beginning to end. That way, you can walk away from your grill knowing that everything is calm, cool, and most importantly, extinguished. - Source: Internet
- Also, although you can grill with slightly moist charcoal, you need to use completely dry charcoal as a starter. You can add less than optimal pieces later. Know that charcoal has an infinite shelf-life. As long as it’s dry, you can use it; it will light up beautifully. - Source: Internet
- And here’s a final tip on the matter. The charcoal is just half the story; use fruitwoods, hickory or mesquite to give some personality to your grilling. Wood will also help the coals stay lit. - Source: Internet
- Grilling on a charcoal grill is an amazing experience both in terms of cooking over a live fire and the taste of that food. However, it does take some extra care versus other ways of grilling. If you can be patient and keep people and animals away from your grill, the best way to put out a charcoal grill is to close the lid and all the vents to let it die out on its own. - Source: Internet
- Always wait until it has completely cooled down, even if this is 48 hours down the line. Coals burn at very high temperatures, and dousing them with water can lead to cracks in your grill. Another danger created by pouring water directly onto coals is that it will create harsh levels of steam and will disperse hot ash, in turn causing nasty burns. - Source: Internet
- Once 48 hours are up, you can open up your grill and remove the leftover charcoal and ash. Use your metal spatula to scoop them onto a sheet of aluminum foil. If you have an ash removal bucket, you can use the bucket to gather up the ash and then pour it onto a foil sheet. - Source: Internet
- So how do you put out a charcoal grill? There are a few thoughts on how to put charcoal out, but it largely falls into two camps. Let the charcoal burn itself out, or manipulate the charcoal to extinguish more quickly. This can be done by removing the charcoal from the grill itself or smothering it out. - Source: Internet
- If you arrange your charcoal in this manner, you will create even heat distribution. This allows you to keep the flame lit, and it will give you the best results when you put your food on the grill. Think carefully about how you arrange the charcoal on the grill. This is going to have a significant impact on your ability to keep the grill going and to produce a delicious meal. - Source: Internet
- – A good way to think about fire prevention when grilling is to remember that you always need three elements to create fire –heat, fuel, and oxygen. If you remove any one of those elements, it will put the fire out. Be prepared – Keep a fire extinguisher near the grill at all times, and make sure the person minding the grill knows where it is. Baking soda can also smother a fire, so keep box of it nearby. NEVER USE WATER TO PUT OUT A GREASE FIRE! Always have a phone charged and on-hand in case of emergency. - Source: Internet
- Lighting a grill and keeping that charcoal lit can be tricky, but it doesn’t have to. There are many ways of lighting your grill, so which one is best? Well, it depends. Here are the most popular methods of lighting charcoal. - Source: Internet
- If you don’t have a metal trash can, you have two alternatives. One, give your charcoal more time to cool before scooping it out. And two, our second method of learning how to put out charcoal grill, which we’ll get to in just a little bit. - Source: Internet
- There’s nothing better than eating a charcoal-grilled meal out in the yard with your family and friends. But when the steaks are done and everyone’s full, you need to turn off the grill. Every type of grill is different, but it’s especially important to turn off a charcoal grill (more on this later). Learning how to put out a charcoal grill is pretty easy if we do say so ourselves. - Source: Internet
- ‘No, do not pour water on a charcoal grill,’ says Ben Forte. ‘It could work but you wouldn’t really want to do that, adding water to hot coals can create hot steam and ashes which could burn you, so be very careful.’ - Source: Internet
- To figure out why you’re having trouble keeping your grill lit, let’s find out if it’s the charcoal’s fault or yours. We’ll also talk about a few techniques that can help you light a fire easily and with better results. We’re also talking a bit about charcoal quality and factors that can affect its flammability — some you can control, some you just can’t, sorry. - Source: Internet
- The lower parts of the grill will need a wire brush, especially the grill. Clean the grates using a wire brush, soap, and water. When you’re done, you should use a silicone spray on the metallic parts. It serves as an anti-rusting agent and helps with lubrication, which will help to preserve your grill for a longer time. - Source: Internet
- You should have a few starter cubes you can use to get the grill going. Make sure you think carefully about where you put your starter cubes. In general, you should place them in different corners of the pile. You need to tuck them inside the corner so that the fire will distribute evenly throughout the charcoal grill. - Source: Internet
- Keep in mind you should always grill with the vents open. Start by opening them all the way to create a hot air funnel and close them a bit to control the temperature while you cook. The more you open the vents, the hotter the grill will be. - Source: Internet
- Chris Bonnet also feels that allowing the coals to burn out on their own is the safest method. ‘As soon as you’ve finished using the grill, close the lid and shut the vents to smother the flames,’ he says. ‘But bear in mind that you have to wait at least 48 hours before removing them from the grill,’ he says. - Source: Internet
- Tool to Use: Since the trash can will be very hot for a few hours, it’s important to find an empty container that can stand the heat. Behrens’ trash can is made from galvanized steel, plus it’s small enough to fit in the trunk of your car. Perfect for those impromptu campsite grills. - Source: Internet
- ‘The safest way for how to extinguish a charcoal grill without a lid is to let the coals burn out,’ advises Liam Glennon. ‘The only other method is removing the coals or briquettes and cool or suffocate away from the BBQ. This will get the coals cooled down faster, but you’ll need the best BBQ tools and equipment to hand to do this, such as heat proof BBQ gloves, a metal handheld spade or shovel, a metal bucket or something similar (must be metal).’ - Source: Internet
- In addition, you need to pile your charcoal in a single spot. Make sure your charcoal looks like a pyramid. You do not want to spread a thin layer out across the grill, as it is going to be difficult to keep the flame going. Instead, make sure you put your charcoal in the shape of a pyramid. - Source: Internet
- There are plenty of ways for you to light a charcoal grill; however, it is not unusual for people to have a difficult time keeping the flame going. If you feel like you are having a hard time keeping your charcoal grill lit, you may want to try a few of these tips. Make sure you choose the right charcoal, arrange it appropriately on the grill, and think carefully about how you use lighter fluid. - Source: Internet
- On the lower parts of the grill, and especially on the grates, be sure to use a wire brush. At your own preferred intervals, clean the grates using soap and water. It’s important to lubricate these parts using silicone spray. The spray acts as a good anti-rusting agent, thus improving the lifespan of your charcoal grill. - Source: Internet
- After this, you can use a grill lighter to light the lighter fluid. You should see the flame spread throughout the grill. Once the flame is on, do not add anymore lighter fluid. Otherwise, this will create a serious safety concern. - Source: Internet
- ‘You can dispose of the coals and ashes by wrapping them in a large sheet of aluminium foil and placing them in an ashcan or metal container,’ says Chris. ‘The speedy solution for how to extinguish a charcoal grill is to let the grill sit for a few hours and then scoop the coals and ash out with long-handled tongs and drop them in a metal bucket filled with cold water.’ - Source: Internet
- Once you’ve got those embers going, it’s time to keep them lit. Remember to light the charcoals in a pile and then spread them around the grill. You can then add more charcoal to hot coals. This is an excellent opportunity to create a ‘hot’ and a ‘cold’ zone on the grill to cook different things at different temperatures. - Source: Internet
- Another problem with leftover burning charcoal is it keeps your charcoal grill hot for a long time. You should always cover your grill to keep it protected from the elements. However, putting a cover on a hot grill is a bad idea. You don’t want to potentially melt the cover to your grill. - Source: Internet
- Although a lot of modern grills now have retractable lids, some older models only have removable ones. Those can get lost or broken more easily, and it’s not too uncommon to see an older charcoal grill without a lid. If you want to learn how to put out a charcoal grill without a lid, here’s how. - Source: Internet
- ‘We would also recommend that you ensure the coals have completely burnt before removing the ash,’ says Liam Glennon. ‘Do not dump ashes anywhere away from from your outdoor grill station where they could start a fire, and always dispose of ashes in a proper receptacle.’ - Source: Internet
- Make sure you have adequate ventilation and that the vents are not obstructed. Once lit, you need not add any liquid or other fuel; charcoals are cool like that — once they get going, they won’t stop. That’s the beauty of it! That’s how to keep a charcoal grill lit right there. - Source: Internet
- Sadly, there’s nothing you can do about humidity. Your best bet is to light the first coals and keep on feeding them with dry fuel. Once you reach a temperature between 450°-600° F, humidity won’t have a chance against your grill. - Source: Internet
- According to Vanover, putting out your backyard’s charcoal grill can be as easy as closing all its vents. “This will shut off the oxygen and extinguish the fire,” she explains. “The coals will eventually stop burning and will cool.” Once the coals are cool, you’ll want to scoop out the ash and discard it in your trash can. “If there are briquets that haven’t burned all the way, you can actually reuse them for your next cookout,” Vanover adds. - Source: Internet
- Outdoor grills are frequently placed too close to sheds, and decks, which is dangerous and poses a severe fire risk. If you do not adequately secure the grill, it can catch fire. So, the recommended distance between outdoor grills and any structure is at least 10 feet. - Source: Internet
- Are you someone who has fallen in love with a charcoal grill? If so, you need to make sure you keep the flame lit. It can be very frustrating if you are trying to cook a meal and your charcoal grill keeps going out. After all, you have an army of hungry people who are waiting for a delicious meal. What do you need to do if you want to keep the charcoal on your grill lit? - Source: Internet
- – Leftover grease is the leading cause of grill fires – be sure to clean your grills before each use. Keep at least three feet of space around your grill, and place it several feet away from anything flammable – including your wooden deck (place it on a concrete slab instead). Never leave a grill unattended, especially with children and pets around. Remember what makes a fire – A good way to think about fire prevention when grilling is to remember that you always need three elements to create fire –heat, fuel, and oxygen. If you remove any one of those elements, it will put the fire out. - Source: Internet
- Now that we have established that the weather has to be dry, we need to discuss the state of your charcoal. It needs to be dry as well. When you put charcoal on the grill, it needs to be dry. If you store your charcoal on concrete floors, in the garage, or outside with the firewood, it could get damp and wet. It should seem obvious, but if your charcoal is not dry, it is not going to light. - Source: Internet
- However, if you encounter any grill fire accident, the steps for extinguishing grill fire in this article will help you. On top of that, remember you must clean your grill after using it. The reason is that a grill full of debris can also cause a fire. - Source: Internet
- Hopefully, you found what you were looking for and have identified what’s wrong with your charcoal. Was it the humidity? Or were you just not paying attention? It doesn’t matter. What matters is that now you’re all set to light that grill and cook some food for your friends and family. - Source: Internet

It’s crucial to read to examine the authenticity of each source in order to acquire the greatest information regarding how to put out a coal grill.
Video | How To Put A Grill Out
You’ll learn more about Can You Put Out Charcoal With Water after watching the films included in this post, which come from a variety of different sources. Information on a wide range of topics can be easily accessed via the internet.
## Notable features of Oven Grill Fire include:- How To Put A Grill Out
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- How To Put A Charcoal Grill Out
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